From an Executive leader in the corporate world to a Practical Executive and Female Leadership coach.
As a light being for female leadership, I must admit that for the majority of my years serving in leadership positions in the corporate world I was guided and performing in my masculine energy. Missing the connection with my feminine energy led to the constant feeling of unfulfillment and emptiness.
My transition and growth journey has been intense yet amazing and surprising. I strongly believe that when we recognize and honor the divine feminine energy in ourselves and in the world, we create a harmonious balance in which we all thrive.
The strength behind feminine power lies within feelings and emotions. As a leader, having the ability to feel the world around you and, in turn, feel emotions from within is a powerful skill to lead, to feel, create space for understanding and vulnerability.
ARIES sun sign
Leadership Element "FIRE"
Enneagram 3| The achiever
inspired by oprah winfrey
Why female leadership?
It is not about women having power over man, it is about women having power over themselves!
Decades of studies show that women leaders increase productivity and enhance collaboration.
Yet for female leaders to achieve their leadership potential it is important to acquire more confidence in their leadership capabilities and a more expansive view of leadership within their careers. Women have a different set of experiences, values and approaches to leadership.
These values and approaches can lead to more diverse and creative solutions to business problems.
In leadership, as in life the secret lies in the mix....
Female leadership is about creating your own authentic leadership approach.
For too long, female leaders have been modelling a leadership that doesn’t suite them. Losing their authority and sparkle based on the fear of rejection. My mission is to help you embrace and embody your unique personal leadership style.
This is me in a nutshell
I am all about deep connections and conversations. An intellectual curious that enjoys discovering new things and knowledge.
I’M NOT ABOUT this is impossible or
Giving up.

The seat of the soul
Podcast about energy and spirituality
Precious by Lizzo
Latte Machiato or Moccachino
Authentic Italian pasta
Travel & Dancing
Having a personal leadership definition is key to living a fulfilled life.
Personal leadership is an important step in female leadership. It is about defining what type of leader you are based on your uniqueness, and it involves assessing your own goals in order to be the most effective leader possible.
During the female leadership programs and events offered by Nostra Growth we cover the importance of authentic personal leadership amongst leaders.
Redefine your leadership definition with us!
3 Things about me
Basic Fear:
My basic fear is fear of being worthless.
I use this fear in my advantage through the passion of self-development and opportunity to contribute with my abilities to the world. Also, I enjoy motivating others to greater personal achievements than they thought they were capable of.
Clarity is power!
Having clarity on what is it that you really want will transform your life.
As the saying goes, direction is more important than speed. I believe deep in my soul that the clearer you are about what you desire, the easier it is to make your vision a reality!
Water is my calming element.
Fire, earth, air, and water are the four natural elements.
Discovering my leadership element has been a game changer. Knowing in which element I perform at my best has helped me being effective and more productive. Hence, as a leader, knowing m calming element is as much important than my performing element. Water it is! I enjoy and become one with water, beaches, waterfalls fountains and everything that is related to water when I feel overwhelmed and stressed.
Find more about your performing and calming leadership element here.